Turkish coffee from the Yemen Products Center
Many people rely on coffee to improve their mood in the morning, or to provide them with energy to continue their activity during the day, and Turkish coffee is considered a strong drink and one of the most preferred types in the world.
Consuming Turkish coffee in moderate quantities daily not only increases activity and focus, but is a food source rich in vitamin B2, magnesium, and potassium, and also contains antioxidants.
Coffee is one of the best sources of antioxidants that help cells get rid of toxins and fight cancer cells, help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and many other benefits, including:
Benefits of Turkish coffee for slimming:
Drinking caffeinated coffee before exercising increases the ability of muscles to burn fat, and it contains very few calories, which contributes to maintaining a healthy weight and increasing metabolism to burn more fat.
Benefits of Turkish coffee for the skin:
Turkish coffee contains more beneficial ingredients and compounds than regular coffee because it is not filtered. The most important of these compounds are polyphenols, which are antioxidants, as they work to boost collagen levels in the skin, reduce the appearance of signs of aging, and tighten facial skin, Which also contribute to protection from harmful sun rays, and acne treatment.
Benefits of Turkish coffee for the face:
It has been proven that the caffeine in coffee helps treat dark circles under the eyes, because caffeine works to expand the blood vessels in the body, which facilitates blood flow to the eyes and helps get rid of dark circles.
Benefits of Turkish coffee after eating:
Despite the many and varied benefits of coffee and its ability to increase physical and mental activity, it has been proven that drinking coffee immediately after eating reduces the efficiency of iron absorption by 80%, and it also reduces the absorption of zinc, magnesium, and calcium, Therefore, it is recommended to drink coffee at least an hour after eating so that the body can absorb all the minerals and nutritional supplements.
Benefits of Turkish coffee without sugar:
Drinking coffee without sugar helps regulate blood sugar levels and thus maintain cardiovascular health, and drinking coffee without sugar maintains a normal and healthy weight, and reduces the risk of diabetes.
Drinking coffee is linked to the reduction and prevention of some diseases, the most prominent of these benefits are :
Turkish Coffee protects against mental decline and Alzheimer's disease, due to the high concentration of caffeine in it, and also protects against Parkinson's disease, which is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's.
It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and diabetes, and helps prevent intestinal infections.
Reduces the risk of cancer, as it was recently proven that drinking coffee protects the risk of liver cancer by 40%, and it was noted that those who drink coffee daily are less likely to develop rectal cancer and colon cancer.
Turkish Coffee Beans