Cancellation, return and seller protection policy at the YemenProducts
The Yemen Products gives customers the option to return products purchased from the site, and this document applies to any order due for cancellation, unless more than 10 days have passed since the return request from the date of delivery.
We also give customers the option to cancel an order that is being transferred by submitting a return request through our website. After the return request is created, the customer service agents review the return request to approve it and start the cancellation process, and after a quality check is performed in our warehouse, the product is returned to the seller or back into stock as decided by the Yemen Products In some cases mentioned in the following sections of this document, the Yemen Products initiates By compensating the seller from the Sellers Protection Fund, which is managed by the Yemen Products.
Manage customer cancellations and returns
Scenario 1: Cancellations by customers
Orders are often canceled before they are shipped in the field of e-commerce, and this may create challenges for sellers in the form of continuous sending and returning products.
To overcome this challenge, the Yemen Products does not link a product from stock to the customer›s order with certainty until after the product arrives at our warehouse, and this gives us flexibility to redistribute products in the event of customers canceling their orders and reduces the logistical costs associated with the movement of sending and returning shipments.
The choice rests with the seller between transferring all unshipped products to customers to the Yemen Products or returning them to the seller by returning to the seller within 48 - 72 hours of receiving the order from the seller.
Scenario 2: Customer returns:
All customer returns (returns received from customers and returns that were not delivered) are returned to the YPC warehouse. For returns from customers, the product is mainly inspected at the time of its receipt at the customer›s place, and a quality check is also performed for the product in the warehouse and for all non-saleable stored products. Each returned product will be labeled upon receipt of that product.
The Yemen Products stores the returned products that are in a “good stock and suitable for sale” in its warehouses to complete future customer orders according to the seller’s preferences on the “Yemen Products website for sellers.”
Upon receipt of the seller›s returns, the seller must double-check the returned products and ensure the rating assigned by the Yemen Products Ratings. If the seller has clear evidence that the rating is incorrect, the seller must dispute the Yemen Products rating on the Yemen Products Sellers website within 10 days of the time the actual product was delivered.
Yemen Products ratings structure is tabulated in the FAQ below.
Return disputes are managed by the Yemen Products to protect the seller from:
a) any fraudulent claims by customers, and/or
b) Damages that occur during the logistics of the return
Cases where the (protection policy) does not apply to sellers:
Except as otherwise stated, Yemen Products will not cover sellers under the Protection Policy if:
- Wrong shipment or incorrect product details. A product shipped by the seller that does not match the description mentioned on the platform, or in cases where the seller shipped a different product.
- missing pieces. The seller does not verify the order details as they are on the site (such as free gifts, accessories, or a piece).
- Products shipped are defective/used/expired. Counterfeit, defective, used or expired products shipped by seller and returned by buyer.
- Fraud by the seller. In the event of a violation of Yemen Products›s seller policies, the seller›s claim amount will be suspended.
- Product safety. In the event that the buyer returns the product to the seller and the product is received and found to be in good condition intact.
- Manufacturing Defects - Product malfunction on arrival. The appearance of a partial or total defect in the product within 15 working days.
Additional cases :
The Yemen Products shall be liable for any damages or losses caused by acts of terrorism, war, military attacks, war operations, civil war, acts of rebellion, detention by public or government authorities, protests, strikes, riots, delays, detention or confiscation of by customs or other authorities, military attacks or war operations, or due to damages or losses arising from any repair or restoration works or deterioration resulting from wear and tear such as; Or moths, insects, fungi, or any other natural cause that occurs.
The Seller Protection Fund protects sellers from losses incurred due to customer returns or courier returns received in an unacceptable condition by disbursing compensation from the fund, thus ensuring that sellers are not unfairly affected by the matter. In addition, this policy has been developed to protect the interests of sellers, so that the Yemen Products will be a safe medium for conducting commercial transactions.
common questions
Will I be compensated if a customer or logistics partner returns a damaged product even though a high quality product was shipped to them?
Yemeni Products takes the initiative to ensure that sellers are not affected by any damages due to logistical work by addressing all implications. In the event that there is damage that the seller believes is not due to his fault, the seller must file a complaint through “claims” on the “Yemeni products for sellers website.” After the investigation of the incident, the Yemeni Products Company shall, at its sole discretion, be obligated to compensate based on the criteria specified under this policy, including but not limited to the category of goods and the condition of quality at the time of shipment and receipt of the product back into the warehouse (with proof of such receipt being attached ).
Will I be compensated if the customer exchanges the original product for a different one?
In cases where the contents of the returned shipment are missing or when the products are not
The returned items received by the seller are the same products that were previously shipped by the seller. The seller can file a complaint through claims on the Yemeni Products website for sellers.
If the seller suspects that the buyer is unfairly exploiting the return policy, the seller can report this matter to Yemen Products so that Yemeni Products can review the buyer's complaint and take the necessary action.
After the investigation of the incident, the Yemeni Products Company shall, at its sole discretion, be obligated to compensate based on the criteria specified under this policy, including but not limited to the category of goods and the condition of quality at the time of shipment and receipt of the product back into the warehouse (with proof of such receipt being attached ).
What is the estimated return period between the customer's return of the products and the receipt of these products in the warehouse?
In addition to the normal sales commitment, it will take up to 7 business days to process items for damaged returns.
How does the “Seller Protection Mechanism” work in Yemeni products?
All returned products go through an actual quality control phase, where a classification is assigned to the product by Yemeni products, and this classification is determined by the compensation due from the Sellers Protection Fund.