Camphor Oil

8 AED 10 AED

Eucalyptus oil is a natural oil extracted from the leaves and roots of the eucalyptus tree. It contains a compound called camphor, which is considered a strong aromatic substance and has multiple medicinal properties. Here are some of the known benefits of eucalyptus oil:

1. Relieve pain and inflammation in muscles and joints: Eucalyptus oil is a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It can be used topically to massage painful areas that suffer from muscle and joint inflammation, which helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

2. Soothe congestion and cough: Eucalyptus oil is effective in soothing congestion and cough. Eucalyptus oil vapor can be inhaled by adding it to boiling water or used in chest ointments or lotions, which helps relieve congestion and soothe coughs.

3. Improve breathing and purify the air: Eucalyptus oil can be used in humidifiers or fresheners to improve air quality and purify it. A few drops of eucalyptus oil can also be sprinkled on tissues and dried in the room to benefit from its respiratory benefits.

4. Promoting blood circulation: Eucalyptus oil is considered a blood circulation stimulant. When applied topically and massaged into the skin, eucalyptus oil stimulates blood flow and distributes oxygen and nutrients to various tissues, promoting a healthy circulatory system.

5. Calm the nerves and relieve stress: Eucalyptus oil is considered a natural sedative that can help calm the nerves and relieve stress. It can be used in body massage to achieve a relaxing and calming effect.

Size: 50 ml

Product number (3000020)

Camphor Oil