
25 AED 30 AED

Gum arabic is a natural substance extracted from the juniper tree (Acacia senegal) and some other types of trees. Gum arabic is used in many industries and applications, and also has well-known health benefits. Here are some of the main benefits of gum arabic:

1. Soothing the digestive system: Gum arabic is considered beneficial for the digestive system, as it can be used to relieve symptoms associated with intestinal ulcers, intestinal inflammation, and diarrhea. Gum arabic is a sticky substance consisting of indigestible fibres, and thus helps in forming more regular stools and relieving diarrhea.

2. Reducing oral infections: Gum arabic can be used as a natural rinse to relieve gum infections and mouth irritation. Gum arabic works to soothe tissues, relieve pain, and clean the mouth.

3. Relieve cough and laryngeal irritation: Gum arabic is considered useful in relieving cough and laryngeal irritation. It can be used in the manufacture of cough and phlegm preparations and soothing throat candy.

4. Support skin health: Gum arabic contains moisturizing and soothing properties for the skin. It can be used in the formulation of medical and skin care products to moisturize dry skin and soothe skin infections.

5. Antioxidant effect: Gum arabic contains antioxidant compounds that help fight free radicals and reduce the harmful effects of oxidation in the body. Gum arabic may play a role in maintaining cell health and reducing the risk of chronic disease.
Product number (6000071)
