Sea Salt

10 AED 12 AED

Sea salt is a type of salt derived from oceans and seas. It contains a variety of minerals and nutrients that may provide some health benefits. Here are some benefits of sea salt:

1. Providing essential minerals: Sea salt contains a variety of natural minerals such as sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. These minerals are essential for a healthy body and play an important role in fluid balance and muscle, nerve and heart function.

2. Promoting electrolyte balance: Sea salt is a natural source of sodium and potassium, two minerals that play an important role in maintaining a healthy electrolyte balance in the body. This electrical balance helps transmit nerve signals, regulate blood pressure, and balance fluids in the body.

3. Promoting digestive health: Sea salt may contribute to enhancing the digestion process and absorption of nutrients. Sodium helps regulate the secretion of intestinal acids and the production of digestive enzymes, which improves digestion and absorption.

4. Anti-inflammatory: Sea salt contains natural anti-inflammatories that may help relieve inflammation in the body. Some minerals in sea salt such as magnesium and calcium are believed to have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

5. Promote overall health: There may be some general benefits to using sea salt. It is believed to help regulate blood sugar levels, strengthen the immune system, and improve skin health.

Weight: 1000 grams

Sea Salt