Excellent Yemeni raisins

Excellent Yemeni raisins

80 AED 100 AED

Very carefully dried Yemeni raisins
For a rich and delicious taste
Weight: 1000 grams
Product number (6000024)

Yemeni Black Raisins No. 1

Yemeni Black Raisins No. 1

70 AED 80 AED

Yemeni Black Raisins

Weight : 1000 gram 

1 : Yemeni raisins are distinguished from others in terms of quality, which makes them ranked first in the world.

It is also considered one of the best foodstuffs, especially for those who are underweight or malnourished, and it is very effective in getting rid of many diseases and health problems that affect the liver and spleen.

Black Raisins Uses:

Black raisins contain many vitamins such as vitamin C, and it is also rich in phosphorous, iron, calcium, and potassium, and is characterized by its ability to resist weather fluctuations that can cause serious diseases to the human body. It also contains a good percentage of apple acids and almond emulsion.

Black raisins have been used since ancient times to treat many diseases, including:


Lung disease and malaria.

Gout and jaundice.

Bladder stones and migraine.

Product number (6000045)

Premium Yemeni raisins No. 1

Premium Yemeni raisins No. 1

120 AED 140 AED

Yemeni Raisins No. 1 

Weight : 1000 gram 

1 : Yemeni raisins Yemeni raisins, or raisins in general, are ripe grapes that have been dried using sunlight or by food dryers. These raisins are used in many food and cooking items. Yemeni raisins can be used to decorate various salad dishes, and can also be mixed with oats to give it a taste. It has a distinctive taste, and it can also be eaten with granola or breakfast cereals, and Yemeni raisins are also included in baked goods, so some people add them to cookies dishes, and raisins contain a high percentage of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and Yemeni raisins are a high-calorie natural sweetener, but they contain many It is beneficial when taken in moderation

Benefits of Yemeni raisins:

relieve bloating

prevent acidity


Contains antioxidants

Product number (6)