White raisins in Yemen Products Center :
White raisins in Yemen Products Center are considered the best types of Yemeni raisins, as they are extracted from the white grapes. Which is characterized by its large size and dark brown color and is found in Yemeni cities such as Khawlan and Bani Hashish.
Raisins contain a lot of antioxidants that help slow down the signs of aging on the body as well as the brain, and the antioxidants found in raisins are called catechins found in some other fruits and vegetables. It is believed that these substances reduce tumors by 70%, so it was found that raisins are effective in reducing the problems of exposure to the development of colon cancer and intestinal tumors.
Other research showed that eating raisins daily for a month, increases the ability of plasma antioxidants, and lowers bad cholesterol.
Raisins also contain a lot of dietary fiber that reduces the problems of the development of heart disease and cancer, and helps to get rid of toxins from the body, and raisins are high in calories, eating one cup of them provides the body with calories equivalent to eating 8 cups of fresh grapes.
Therefore, it is ideal for those who participate in sports, as it contains iron, potassium, selenium, vitamin A, B useful for people who suffer from high blood pressure or retention.
It is useful for those who suffer from constipation or anemia problems.
Raisins also contain nutrients called polyphenolic, which have certain anti-inflammatory properties.
These substances protect the eyes from damage caused by oxidants in the body. It is believed that raisins treat impotence and enhance sexual desire because they contain an important amino acid called arginine, which helps in correcting weakness erection.
white raisins